Blackrock (IBIT) iShares Bitcoin Trust Bitcoin Holdings

Entity Country Symbol:Exchange Filings & Sources # of BTC Value Today % of 21m
iShares Bitcoin Trust (Blackrock) country flag IBIT:NASDAQ Filing | News 357,550.2 $22,360,992,855 1.703%

How Much Bitcoin Does BlackRock Own?

The Blackrock’s iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) currently holds 357,550.2 as of Sept. 17, 2024(1)

IBIT Historical Holdings

You can view IBIT's historical holdings using the chart below. Just click "IBIT" at the top to see only IBIT history.

What Does BlackRock Do?

BlackRock, Inc (BLK, NYSE) is a multinational investment company headquartered in NYC. It is considered the world's largest asset manager with offices in 30 countries and clients in 100 countries.

With the recent approval by the SEC for bitcoin spot market exchange-traded fund (ETF), BlackRock launched its Ishares Bitcoin Trust(IBIT).

Who Owns BlackRock?

BlackRock is a publicly traded company with assets of over $9.2 trillion. BlackRock was founded in 1988 by Larry Fink, Robert S. Kapito, Susan Wagner, Barbara Novick, Ben Golub, Hugh Frater, Ralph Schlosstein, and Keith Anderson. Currently Larry Fink is Chairman and CEO of the company.

Does BlackRock Own Ethereum?

Currently the ETF is for bitcoin and cash only. But Larry Fink has stated that he sees a case for a spot Ethereum ETF if approved by the SEC.

Totals by Category

Category # of BTC Value Today % of 21m
ETFs 1,085,010 $67,855,926,687 5.167%
Countries 529,365 $33,106,181,365 2.521%
Public Companies 356,166 $22,274,419,495 1.696%
Private Companies 359,638 $22,491,575,227 1.713%
BTC Mining Companies 73,419 $4,591,608,895 0.35%
Defi 155,986 $9,755,278,648 0.743%

Learn More About Other Entities Owning Bitcoin

Entity Country # of BTC Value Today
country flag 357,550.2 $ 22,360,992,855
country flag 244,800 $ 15,309,657,360
country flag 221,803.1 $ 13,871,443,882
country flag 175,864.6 $ 10,998,475,358
country flag 75,354 $ 4,712,597,715
country flag 45,706.6 $ 2,858,465,625
country flag 37,975.5 $ 2,374,966,883
country flag 25,945 $ 1,622,586,030
country flag 11,030.0 $ 689,810,133
country flag 10,019 $ 626,582,749
country flag 9,720 $ 607,883,454
country flag 9,109 $ 569,671,850
country flag 9,000 $ 562,855,050
country flag 8,780.8 $ 549,146,402
country flag 8,211 $ 513,511,423
country flag 8,100 $ 506,569,545
country flag 7,282.2 $ 455,424,782
country flag 6,900.9 $ 431,578,490
country flag 5,748.8 $ 359,526,790
country flag 3,705.5 $ 231,739,931
country flag 1,012 $ 63,289,923
country flag 626 $ 39,149,695
country flag 148 $ 9,255,838

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