Lisk Foundation Bitcoin Holdings

Entity Country Filings & Sources # of BTC Value Today % of 21m
Lisk Foundation country flag Filing | News 1,898 $118,825,163 0.009%

Lisk Foundation owns 1,898 bitcoins as of Sept. 12, 2024.

Totals by Category

Category # of BTC Value Today % of 21m
ETFs 1,085,010 $67,927,548,195 5.167%
Countries 529,365 $33,141,124,733 2.521%
Public Companies 356,166 $22,297,930,006 1.696%
Private Companies 359,638 $22,515,314,945 1.713%
BTC Mining Companies 73,419 $4,596,455,310 0.35%
Defi 155,986 $9,765,575,284 0.743%

Learn More About Other Entities Owning Bitcoin

Entity Country # of BTC Value Today
country flag 357,550.2 $ 22,384,594,744
country flag 244,800 $ 15,325,816,608
country flag 221,803.1 $ 13,886,085,104
country flag 175,864.6 $ 11,010,084,180
country flag 75,354 $ 4,717,571,832
country flag 45,706.6 $ 2,861,482,718
country flag 37,975.5 $ 2,377,473,646
country flag 25,945 $ 1,624,298,659
country flag 11,030.0 $ 690,538,223
country flag 10,019 $ 627,244,103
country flag 9,720 $ 608,525,071
country flag 9,109 $ 570,273,135
country flag 9,000 $ 563,449,140
country flag 8,780.8 $ 549,726,023
country flag 8,211 $ 514,053,432
country flag 8,100 $ 507,104,226
country flag 7,282.2 $ 455,905,480
country flag 6,900.9 $ 432,034,018
country flag 5,748.8 $ 359,906,268
country flag 3,705.5 $ 231,984,532
country flag 1,012 $ 63,356,725
country flag 626 $ 39,191,017
country flag 148 $ 9,265,608

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